Dec 18, 2012

So I won myself some toys, woohoo!

Hey folks, how are you?  Well I hope you're doing as great as I am.  On Monday, December 10th, 2012, I received an e-mail from Turtles Vs. Foot, a site dedicated to all things Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (of course), notifying me that I'd won one of their cool prize packs!  Well, I promptly replied and gave them my information, as I've been a member there for a few months and have been doing stuff to get points.  With this in mind, I figured I actually had won something.  I never received a response after I'd sent them my info, even left them a message on their Facebook page and their Twitter profile, to no avail.

Well, anyway, I was awakened on this past Monday, Dec. 17th, 2012, by a loud knock at my door.  My wife answers it, then turns around and hands me a small box, which contained, you guessed it, my prize pack!  I've not seen any of the episodes of the new series, save for maybe a good 3 minutes of one episode, because I couldn't stomach it in comparison to what I grew up with as a child.  That, however, doesn't extend to the toy line, because I wouldn't be me if I didn't like TMNT toys.  I'd be committing some sort of injustice to myself, in my own eyes.

So what did I win?  Oh, nothing much really, just FishFace and DogPound action figures!!!

Regardless of what figures they are though, you have to admit, these are still cool nonetheless!  Playmates has always known how to package product well, from basic design all the way down to execution and marketing.  As much as I'd love to open them up and play with review them, ahem, I'm being a good boy (and forcing my son to as well, har-har) and am going to keep them in their packages as I am not only a collector, but I also want to keep them in mint condition rather than taking the chance of breaking or messing them up somehow, losing parts, etc.  Accidents happen, so I'm keeping them mint-on-card for the sake of safe-keeping and collectivity.

Update Christmas 2012: My son, Blaze, received a Shredder figure as a gift, so I decided to surprise him with these as well.  I figure hey, I'm 31, he's almost 9, why not just let him have them?  Now he's really stoked, lol, and it makes me happy to see him happy.  Merry Christmas all, and here's looking forward to a potentially decent 2013 and beyond!

By the way, not too long ago I found an awesome site online, geared specifically toward toys and action figures, I'm a current member there, and not only do they have free versions and paid-for versions of their memberships, but their customer support is second-to-none and the features of the site are just phenomenal!

For paid memberships, just one of the many perks is having an interactive values guide right at your fingertips, however there is so much more to it and it's a large and rapidly growing community.  At this very moment, they're even doing some great giveaways, so get in on the action as soon as you can, there's no telling what kind of awesome you'll find!

Thanks for checking out my blog folks, I'll have more to post up soon, happy playing collecting and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't yet.  Feel free to leave a comment below as well, if you really want to.  Thanks and Merry Christmas!

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Quit chawin' the grass and say somethin' ewe!