Nov 14, 2012

Reader Review: Locke & Key - Clockworks, a hardcover graphic novel.

Good day readers, are you still with me?  Well Locke & Key has really taken off, hasn't it?  I like to think that it has anyway.  Well, if you're like me, then you probably didn't wait for this review before tearing into Clockworks.  For those who have yet to dive in, allow me a brief moment to give you a quick, spoiler-free review.

This fifth installment will temporarily be the final installment in this review series, as chapter one of book six (Omega) has just begun it's circulation on comic store shelves.  Once the hardcover is released for that book also, I shall present you with a review of it as well, but don't allow that to stop you from reading it beforehand.

I'm sure you're likely frothing at the mouth by now, just aching to find out how this story will turn out in the end, but also take note that Hill and Rodriguez are also now currently planning on releasing a multi-branch spinoff of the series.  Each branch, apparently, will be based on the lives of each of the Locke family members, one series per character.  Nevertheless, until those days come, I present to you the fifth installment in the Locke & Key book series, Clockworks.

Chapter one, entitled The Locksmith's Son, is a twenty-four page explanation of how the magical locks and keys were forged and manufactured, the purpose of their creation and an account of the time period of which their creator was alive.  Chapter two, Smash! begins with tragedy and hooks you by the throat all the way throughout.  With Bode's body having it's new inhabitant, lots of creativity is allowed to flow onto these pages.

From Tyler's being milked constantly for the location of the Omega Key to Kinsey's bedroom being ransacked, "Bode" is quite the busy little devil.  Two little unwanted beasts find new life, causing serious issues for Tyler and causing Kinsey to take some serious emotional responsibility for a change, and just before he was about to make one of the biggest mistakes of his life.  During the fracas that occurs, yet another key is discovered, and it's usefulness is found to be almost immeasurable.

In chapter three, The Tamers Of The Tempest, we see that Tyler and Kinsey are once again tempted, and naturally they cannot resist.  So begins a journey, forged out of curiosity, a journey that quickly proves itself educational.  Tyler and Kinsey, thanks to the insight given to them from this journey, are presented with an opportunity to tie up some loose ends that have been running through their minds.  One should consider this chapter one to "close out some accounts".

Chapter four, The Whispering Iron, adds onto the explanation, giving a more in-depth exploration of the growing relationships within Rendell Locke's friend circle.  One can easily find themselves screaming inside of their head, "Are you insane?!", in addition to feeling a great desire to smack all of these children upside their heads for being so unbelievably arrogant and stupid.  This of course is typical of most any scenario, so it's honestly to be expected at some point.  I cannot say any more about this chapter without giving away any spoilers, believe me I tried to figure out something, to no avail, so I'll leave it at what it is.

With that, we move on to chapter five, Grown-Ups.  You can now no doubt guess, some bad things happen (this is Locke & Key after all), of course involving the children, and we're finally able to reach an understanding about the depths that we've been teased with all this time.  At this point in the story, things will be revealed which will blow even the minds of Rendell Locke and his friends.  Loyalties get pushed to their limits, trust is tested and some realizations must be come to.  We're even presented with the luxury of finding out as to why some of the people are better able to understand what's going on than others.

Bonus: This should be pretty easy to spot, but let's just see how keen your observational skills are.  At the end of this chapter, there's a fairly major mistake shown.  In the comment section below, tell me what that mistake is.  Chapter six begins with another one, same type, so tell me what that one is as well if you can spot it.  I moderate all comments before they're posted, so if you're correct, I'll just leave a comment saying so and hide your comment, but if you're not, I'll post your comment and respond.  Thanks for participating!

Chapter six, Curtain, is a bit shorter than the rest, and this section of the review is much shorter than the others in reflection of that.  The focus is centered on Dodge, mainly what he did which was so horrible that it caused his friends to become afraid of him and turn against him.  As the rest of the book has gone, so too is this chapter, in that it is designed to tie up loose ends.  Oh, and feel free to scream at the author now, lol, I surely did.

The first part of Locke & Key - Omega (book six) has just began a presence on comic store shelves this month, so I'll have to wait awhile before presenting it's review as well, but don't fret, I've just recently went to my local library and snagged up quite a decent collection to read and review.  From Hellboy to Queen & Country, to Iron West, to Ghost World and with plenty of others in between.  I'll see you again very soon, stay tuned and don't forget to subscribe.  Until then, keep on reading, I know I will!

Title: Locke & Key - Clockworks (hardcover)

Year of release: 2012
Publisher: IDW Publishing

Writer: Joe Hill
Art: Gabriel Rodriguez
Colors: Jay Fotos
Letters & Collection Designer: Robbie Robbins
Collection Editor: Justin Eisinger
Series Editor: Chris Ryall

ISBN-13: 9781613772270
ISBN-10: 1613772270
MSRP: $24.99 USD

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Quit chawin' the grass and say somethin' ewe!