Nov 6, 2012

Reader Review: Locke & Key - Head Games, a hardcover graphic novel.

So, here it is folks, the second in a series of six reviews for the graphic novel series "Locke & Key", one article for each book in the series.  Now get ready for another quick run-down, I'll make it as intriguing and speedy as possible.

Locke & Key - Head Games, by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez, published by IDW publishing, continues somewhat where the first book, "Welcome To Lovecraft" left off, with young Bode Locke having found yet another mysterious key.  As the first book also had done, this one immediately begins with yet another Prologue sequence, revealing a key part to something that soon plays out in more depth.  Again, I'll try my best to stick to the method of telling you about it, while not spoiling it, so bear with me.

Starting out, we see a new character, Joe Ridgeway, enter the fold, though for how long I shan't tell.  All I'll say is that he recognizes a familiar face, and that alone causes an issue.  We also see the introduction of the coach's son, Rufus, who appears to be mentally handicapped somehow, though it's hard to tell exactly in what manner or to what degree. 

The unusual head-shaped key has of course captured the curiosity of young Bode, who is the most curious and cantankerous of the entire Locke family, which of course tends to get him into some rather odd and sticky situations.  If at this point you've already read through Welcome To Lovecraft, then you're obviously familiar with this (If not, then why are you reading this article yet?).  What this particular key unravels will cause some pretty wild things to happen, especially once certain folks decide to get experimental with it.  Love will be gained, love will be lost, mysteries revealed, and most of all, crazy things are going to happen all across the board.

In this book, we also see some more depth added to certain characters, such as Uncle Duncan, for instance.  We learn details about who he is and how his role is taken into account in the Locke family.  We also learn some unusual, and for some perhaps startling, revelations about him and at least one other character.  For the most part, we get to see precisely how much humanity has actually been added to these characters in general.  Some family history is revealed about Coach Ellie, as well as her relationship with "Dodge", including how she became involved in this "predicament" that she's now in.  Add a touch of irony here, humor there, and a dash or two of "What the... " as well, and you have yourself the second book of the Locke & Key graphic novels, "Head Games".  Happy reading folks, enjoy.

Title: Locke & Key - Head Games (hardcover)

Year of release: 2009
Publisher: IDW Publishing

Writer: Joe Hill
Art: Gabriel Rodriguez
Colors: Jay Fotos
Letters & Collection Designer: Robbie Robbins
Collection Editor: Justin Eisinger
Series Editor: Chris Ryall

ISBN-13: 9781600104831
ISBN-10: 1600104835
MSRP: $24.99 USD

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Quit chawin' the grass and say somethin' ewe!