Nov 5, 2012

The Sh33p is aah-live!

Aloha-aah folks, and welcome to The Black Sh33p Bl-aah-g!  This is my own personal blog for all things g33ky that I like, and would like to share with you!  While I'm not 100% set on what all will be featured, prepare for review articles on such things as graphic novels that I'm reading, TV shows I'm watching (though there won't be many), awesome toys I have and will potentially acquire, video games and other items of mass geekery!  It's a mad house in here I tell you, a mad house, hahahahahahah!!!

Anyway, now that my brief moment of idiocy has passed, I'll let you go before another one comes upon us.  :P  Have a great day/night wherever you are folks, and thank you for visiting!  If you wish to, at some point in your life, feel free to sub to this blog (not sure how, lol, maybe become a member?  Idk, we'll figure it out at some point I'm sure XD), there should be plenty more weird and geeky fun coming forth soon.  Until then, baah-ger off, eh, you hoser!  :P


Quit chawin' the grass and say somethin' ewe!